Ooey Gooey Coconut S'mores Recipe

June 24, 2016

Ooey Gooey Coconut S'mores Recipe

Ooey Gooey Coconut S'mores Recipe

- Servers 6-8 people, Total cooking time 15 minutes


1 package of Diamond Bakery’s Coconut Graham Crackers

8 large of marshmallows

1, 4.4 ounce bar of milk chocolate, broken into 8 pieces

1 bag of shaved coconut


Get your camp fire going and then place a marshmallow onto a stick and over the flame turning slowing until the marshmallow is golden brown. Place your Diamond Bakery Coconut Graham Cracker on a plate and top it with one or two pieces of milk chocolate. Once ready, place the melted marshmallow on top of your chocolate, finishing with a sprinkle of fresh coconut. Place the other square of the graham cracker on top and squeeze together to get the chocolate to melt. Enjoy this tropical twist on your classic s'mores!

Diamond Bakery Coconut S'mores

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