It’s Summer! Time for family backyard barbeques. And for the perfect end to the evening, treat the kids to S’mores! Just heat marshmallows over an open flame until brown and melting. Break a Diamond Bakery Graham Cracker in half and sandwich the marshmallow and pieces of a chocolate bar between the halves. For a different twist, use our Cinnamon or Coconut Flavored Graham Crackers. Or try peanut butter cups or hazelnut — the ideas are endless. Yum! And right now, get 25% off all Diamond Bakery Graham Crackers

Offer expires August 10, 2020 @ 11:59PM HST. Cannot be combined with any offers or promotions. Cannot be applied to past orders. Discount only for items in Graham Crackers products ONLY. Gift Baskets not part of promotion Only available for orders places on